Sunday, July 5, 2020

Extended Opening Credits Footage

We thought people might like an opportunity to see more of the footage we used to create our opening credits.
0:04 - Adnar Dionadair, calligraphy 5:00 - Adrielle Kerrec, sewing a reliquary pouch 6:04 - Aibhilin fra Skye, spinning; Aurikr Biarnarson, smithing; Bjorn Járnason, early gothic script 6:35 - Cesare Ambrogino di Salvazzi and Laura Batistta, fencing 8:58 - Corwyn Galbraith, carving 9:12 - Domhnaill Galbraith, carving 9:33 - Cesare Ambrogino di Salvazzi , metal working 10:42 - Laura Batistta, tatting 11:43 - Emelote of Calais, cooking 12:15 - Iohn Spooner, spoon making 12:44 - Sciath ingen Chaennag, axe throwing; Jhone of Wodecote, loom work 13:15 - Joffr Rödson, walk through an orchard 13:39 - Katrina Prebensdottir, kolrosing 14:01 - Katrina Prebensdottir, sourdough 14:24 - Keja Tselebnik, dancing, originally recorded for the kingdom dance challenge video 14:47 - Kolbjorn Skatkaupandi, embroidery 14:58 - Lucia de Enzinas, painting 15:39 - Marina Anastasia Ozeroski, needle work 16:13 - Martin Bildner, atl atl 16:23 - Martin Bildner, gardening 16:36 - Siglinde Harfnerstochter, bobbin lace 16:58 - Wencenedl of Rokesburg, carving a positive for a lost-wax mold 17:08 - Wilfrid of Sweflingham, bone carving 17:33 - Yngvildr Adisardottir, running shuttle sprints (pell work) Video of Count Steinarr was donated from his channel. To view, go to

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