
Submissions Information

Ealdormere at Home is always looking for people willing to appear as guests on our series, or to submit their own videos for possible inclusion. We are also accepting ideas for content.

You do not need to be a long time player to contribute.

We believe in diversity and inclusivity and are interested in having content and guests from across every spectrum present in our Society. We aim to be an inclusive space and want to hear from any and all perspectives present.


Anyone is welcome to submit a Missive, and this is a great way for guilds, households, and orders to make announcements!


Long and short format interview series on a number of subjects including offices, history, and more. Contact us if you'd like to be a guest on an episode! (See our Shows page for more details.)


This is our A&S series, highlighting the diverse talents of the people of our kingdom! Contact us if you'd like to be a guest on an episode! (See our Shows page for more details.)


If you are running an upcoming event, we'd love to promote it; just send us a video telling folks what to expect! If you recently ran an event, class, etc, we would love to get a video from you detailing how things went!


If you want to record yourself performing for Cry of the Wolf it is preferable if the work is in the public domain. If you want to perform the work of another bard, will need to be able to contact the author to ask them for a permission statement. 

We also need permissions for musical arrangements. If the arrangement is not in the public domain, traditional, or done by you, we will need to know so we can properly credit them according to Canadian Copyright Law.

If you are recording a filk or contrafacta on a period song, you must still acquire permission from the artist if you are basing your filk on a modern musical arrangement. If your filk is based on a modern song, we will need to know so we can properly credit the author(s) and label(s) according to Canadian Copyright Law. 


This series is written by the children of Ealdormere. 

Any parent can submit a story on behalf of their children. For each episode, our volunteers will be given a few lines from the story an without any context, they will then act out and record their scene! Volunteers can use slow-motion, or dolls, or puppets, or throw together quick costumes and act it out themselves.

Please remember that any submission featuring minors (under 18) must be accompanied by a permission statement from the minor(s)' legal guardian(s).

Submissions would be due a month from assignment, though the sooner everyone gets their short scenes in, the sooner we can edit and post the finished video!


Please try to record your videos in landscape format (sideways), be aware of background noise, and try to center yourself in the frame (we need space at the bottom of the screen for on-screen text). If possible, look at the camera of your recording device, not just at the screen. Videos can be of any length, though the shorter it is, the more likely viewers are to watch the whole thing.

Files can be transferred via email (if small enough), or Google Drive.

If you have questions, you can contact the producers via the Contact page.


All submissions must be accompanied by an email (as given on the Contact page) with the following permission statement filled out for each person appearing in your submission. (If you are submitting images, photos or audio recording, please substitute the appropriate descriptor for the word 'video'.)

Keep in mind that you cannot submit someone else's work (such as a photo someone else took of you) without them also sending us a permission statement.
"I (modern name), known in the Society as (SCA name) hereby give permission for the Kingdom of Ealdormere's official Youtube channel to host my attached video, photograph(s) and/or audio recordings (name of attachments) to be included as part of Ealdormere at Home and to maintain said video in whole or in part on the aforementioned channel."
Please include your SCA title, preferred pronouns, and a phonetic pronunciation guide of your name in your email. If your submission is a video, which someone other than you recorded, please also include their SCA name so they can be credited.

For submissions featuring minors, legal guardians must send in the following.

"I (modern name), known in the Society as (SCA name), legal guardian of (minor's name) who is to be credited as (minor's SCA or other name as desired) hereby give permission for the Kingdom of Ealdormere's official Youtube channel to host my attached video, photograph(s) and/or audio recordings (name of attachments) of my dependent to be included as part of Ealdormere at Home and to maintain said video in whole or in part on the aforementioned channel."

If you would like to submit a blanket submission, please use the following. Please note that we are not accepting blanket permissions for minors.
"I (modern name), known in the Society as (SCA name) hereby give permission for the Kingdom of Ealdormere's official Youtube channel to host video, photographic, and audio recordings of myself to be included as part of Ealdormere at Home and to maintain said recordings in whole or in part on the aforementioned channel."

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